After 67 years, Evelyn Hartley's disappearance still unsolved
In October 1953 , Evelyn Hartley was a 15-year-old high school girl in La Crosse, Wisconsin. On the evening of Saturday, October 24th , the big homecoming game was held in town. Evelyn agreed to babysit the Rasmussen family's 20-month year old daughter that night , so they could attend the game. Their regular babysitter wasn't available because she was also attending the game. Evelyn brought her school books so that she could study after the baby went to bed. Evelyn had an agreement with her father that she would call home to check in at 8:30 PM. He became concerned and called the Rasmussen home, but there was no answer. After calling several more times and still not getting an answer, he decided to drive over there. No one came to the door, which was locked. All the lights and the radio were on inside, greatly alarmed by this point, Evelyn's father managed to force his way inside. Evelyn was nowhere to be found. Her school books were scattered ...